Mexican Cinema Cinépolis Installs 2,600 ALPD® Laser Light Source Solutions
1. An eco-friendly and energy-saving solution with lower electricity costs
2. A longer projector life and lower labor costs
3. Brighter, clearer, and more vivid viewing experiences
One of the most notable benefits of an ALPD® laser light source upgrade is improved image quality. Cinépolis will upgrade many of its projectors to ALPD® laser light sources in an effort to provide moviegoers with brighter, clearer, and more vivid images. It also expands the viewing options available to moviegoers while enhancing their overall experience.
About ALPD®
ALPD® means Advanced Laser Phosphor Display which refers to the replacement of the original xenon light sources of projectors by ALPD® laser light sources to help cinemas improve brightness,save energy,increase efficiency,and prolong lifetime.